Resources specific to infectious respiratory diseases

This suite of living evidence syntheses (LES) aims to describe the effectiveness of, and adherence to, public health and social measures (PHSMs) for reducing transmission of respiratory infectious diseases. It also aims to identify knowledge gaps in the scientific literature and potential negative outcomes associated with these PHSMs.

The overarching question addressed the suite of LESs is: What is the best-available evidence about each of the effectiveness of PHSMs (quarantine and isolation, masks, ventilation, physical distancing, reduction of contacts, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, cleaning, and disinfecting), as well as combinations of and adherence to these measures, in preventing transmission of respiratory infectious diseases?

Each of the living evidence syntheses in the suite used a common approach to risk of bias assessment, which is described here.

(if in progress)
Synthesis product type
(product #)
Status Date of last search
(and publication)
Effectiveness of hand hygiene to reduce the transmission of respiratory infectious diseases in the community LES 17.2Complete9 August 2024 (12 September 2024)
Effectiveness of ventilation, air filtration and disinfection for reducing transmission of respiratory infections in non-health care community-based settings LES 15.2Complete28 March 2024 (9 October 2024)
Effectiveness of cleaning and disinfecting for reducing transmission of respiratory infectious diseases in non-healthcare community-based settings LES 18.2Complete28 March 2024 (12 September 2024)
Effectiveness of masking in community and healthcare settings for reducing the incidence, transmission, hospitalizations and deaths from respiratory infectious diseases LES 14.2Complete25 March 2024 (31 July 2024)
Effectiveness of isolation on the reduction of the transmission of respiratory infectious diseases (RIDs: i.e., COVID-19, H1N1, SARS, MERS)LES 13.2aComplete 27 February 2024 (16 September 2024)
Unintended health and social consequences of isolation and quarantine for respiratory infectious diseases (RIDs: i.e., COVID-19, H1N1, SARS, and MERS)LES 13.2bComplete 27 February 2024 (16 September 2024)
Effectiveness of quarantine on the reduction of the transmission of respiratory infectious diseases (RIDs: i.e., COVID-19, H1N1, SARS, and MERS)LES 13.2cComplete 27 February 2024 (16 September 2024)
Unintended consequences/outcomes of masking in response to COVID-19 in non-health care community-based settings LES 14.1bComplete22 February 2023 (16 October 2023)
Effectiveness of measures to reduce contacts for reducing transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections in non-health care community-based settings LES 16.1aComplete 3 March 2023 (16 October 2023)
Effectiveness of physical distancing in reducing transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections in non-health care community-based settings LES 16.1bComplete3 March 2023 (16 October 2023)
Effectiveness of interventions for promoting adherence to PHSMs for preventing COVID-19 and other respiratory infections in non-health care community-based settings LES 19.1Complete3 March 2023 (16 October 2023)
Effectiveness of combinations of public health and social measures over time and across jurisdictions for reducing transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections in non-healthcare community-based settings LES 20.1Complete3 March 2023 (16 October 2023)